So you’ve got a job interview. Congratulations! Here comes the hard part. You’ve got to figure out what to wear to the interview! Presentation for interviews can depend on many things such as industry, location and the job itself.

Without giving you a list of clothing you can wear, here are some tips on what NOT to wear. If you have covered all of these, then you should be good to go!

What NOT to wear to a job interview

Ill-fitting clothes

If it’s too tight or too loose it’s best to wear something else. You won’t look your best and you won’t feel comfortable and it will show if the clothes you choose don’t fit you correctly.

Overly casual clothes

Even if you are applying for laid back environment type of position, casual attire such as jeans, flip flops or branded clothing can really come across as a little bit too carefree. Stick to neat and tidy clothing for the win.

Anything Distracting

Let’s face it, there is a fine line between wearing something that will help you stand out and something that will get you noticed for the wrong reasons. As mentioned above, neat and tidy clothing with appropriate length and necklines are the way to go ladies!

Dirty clothing (or person)

Understandably, there may be circumstances when you are coming to an interview straight from work and you aren’t able to change. But cleanliness is essential in giving a good impression and aside from the fact you might have all the right skills. Might be best to run to the nearest bathroom to freshen up both your clothes and person before entering the office where you have a potential job waiting for you.

By La Toya Galea
Recruitment Assistant