Your Perth and Bunbury recruitment agency

Get the people you need, when you need them

For many Perth businesses, it’s never been harder to fulfil roles with the right candidate. On top of a skills shortage, there’s a long list of experience, longevity and workplace culture considerations. And it means that too often, employers will simply try and deal with a fit that’s less than ideal.

But there’s no need to put up with it. Whether you’re in logistics, mining, construction or any other industry that relies on a recruiter, we’re here to tell you that you don’t have to settle for less

All you need is an agency local to Perth or Bunbury who understands you. And that’s exactly what we offer.

What you get with RecruitWest

At RecruitWest, we understand people. That’s why we’re committed to being your long-term recruitment partner in Perth and Bunbury, dedicated to helping you find and retain top talent. Our comprehensive services include:

Ready to find the right fit? Get in touch today.

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Finding the right fit

Having trouble attracting skilled, long-term staff? Staff shortages and a lack of talent can have a serious impact on efficiency and profitability. And with WA experiencing some of its lowest-ever unemployment rates, the need for professionals is felt right across the board.

The labour hire model has many benefits, but it can leave some businesses exposed in times of need – and prevent them from reaching their full potential. Then there are the shifting expectations of new generations in the workplace, where flexibility is a priority. It means you need to adapt – or find a recruiter that has.

It’s people that make a business. That’s why we get to know the unique requirements and expectations of your organisation, so we can match you with the most qualified candidates vetted by a thorough selection process.

Diversify and maximise your workforce potential

For modern workforces, diversity can be a powerful asset. It can enrich your workplace culture and foster innovation. And it can balance out the unique needs of different generations, ages, cultures and stages of life, so that your business gets the full benefit.

In today’s employer market, it’s about more than just offering a competitive salary. It’s about creating a compelling employee brand that also offers flexibility, inclusivity, well-being, and organisational values that align with those of your team.

As a trusted Perth and Bunbury recruitment agency, we can help you create a strong and highly-attractive employee brand. Make this a priority, and you’ll soon see the advantages it can bring to your efficiency, attendance, morale, and, ultimately, profitability. 

Streamline your processes

Losing money in turnover? A revolving door of staff can get expensive, fast. We understand how important it is to have a seamless onboarding and exit procedure, to minimise disruption and maintain your productivity. It’s not only sign of reassurance for your existing team, but also encouragement to forge more meaningful and productive workplace relationships.

We’re here to remove the pain of training by creating robust processes for onboarding and development, including measuring performance, delegation, and even helping you create roles. Supporting you to retain quality staff and mitigate the cost of not having positions filled

Tailored solutions for your sector

As an experienced recruitment agency in Perth, Bunbury and across WA, we understand the trends and needs of various industries. We specialise in:

  • Manufacturing – Where the impact of skilled labour gaps and automation requires expert industry trades people.
  • Mining – Where finding and  retaining reliable, experienced talent is crucial for ensuring operational efficiency and long-term success.
  • Logistics – Where aging workforce presents a significant concern and also, rapid e-commerce growth and new tech calls for skilled drivers and warehouse staff.
  • Food and services – With a high turnover rate and the demand for flexible work arrangements.

From welders to waitstaff, we’re cover a wide spectrum of roles essential for your operation to run seamlessly. We match companies with best-fit candidates across various roles, including:

  • Supply chain workers
  • Process workers
  • Floor staff
  • Machine operators
  • Admin staff
  • Kitchenhands
  • Warehouse managers
  • Schedulers

And much more.

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