After having a break over the Christmas and new year holidays it’s time to hit the this year head on. Laying out some long-term goals and mapping out some strategies on how on how to get there is a great start, but what next?

Let stake a step back and look at what you have so far…

  • Long term end of year goals
  • Strategies on how to achieve those goals

As these are long term goals it can cause teams and individuals to lose focus and be distracted by other day to day demands on their time. A great way to keep a team focused is to break down the long-term goals into 90day plans and weekly plans. By mapping out what needs to be done today and this week can keep a team focused and on task.

As a result, teams and individuals will keep on task and by achieving the short-term goals, moral is boosted along with everyone’s job satisfaction. This is because we all like to feel like we have achieved something as we knock off and walk out the door at the end of the working day.

So, by all means set long terms goals with your staff but help them break them done in to small weekly/months chunks so they can stay focused and on task.

Ben de Chaneet | South West Operations Manager