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As the employment market tightens, candidates are under more and more pressure to gain ‘an edge’ over the other applicants. To do this not only requires excellent communication at the interview – but also great preparation. The interview tips listed below will give you the advantage you need.

Within each category – spanning communication and preparation – relevant interview tips from our recruiters will help you get ahead. Consider the following four areas to improve your chance of getting the job:




Skill sets can quickly transform into compatibility once they are identified. However, if you cannot define your skills and experience in relation to the position, you are unlikely to get the job.

One good way of communicating your skill set is to let the interviewer know you have researched the company and reviewed the responsibilities. For example, you could pose a question such as: “Could you please give me an idea of what you need to accomplish with this position in the first six months or two years?”


When meeting with the hiring manager, it is important to find a synergy and common ground. This is because they not only want qualified people for the job, but also someone they will enjoy working with.

If you have the same passion, goals and work ethics it is likely you will work well together. A good way to reinforce this point is to ask the interviewer to describe the company culture – and why he or she decided to work there. This will also help establish you as having a similar mindset.


Another way to give yourself ‘an edge’ is to close the interview by letting the hiring manager know you are interested in continuing the relationship.

You could mention how you would like to explore the opportunity even further, by saying, for example: “I am very interested in moving forward, what is our next step?” This also helps to reassure the recruitment manager the position is consistent with your career goals and qualifications – and that you would be keen to take it if it was offered. This is important because recruitment managers and other job interviewers rarely make offers (which are also effectively, emotional commitments), without knowing they will be received positively.


Most HR experts recommend that a candidate call their interviewer fairly soon after the interview. This offers a great opportunity for the candidate to both debrief, and talk about their impression of the recruitment interviewer and company as a whole. It also provides an excellent chance for you as a candidate to ask any further questions and discuss your thoughts on suitability.

Of course, when preparing for any interview, remember to look closely at the skills and personal attributes listed in the job description. This is because it is important to gather examples showing you can demonstrate exactly what the prospective employer is seeking.

For example, you could look at areas in your past positions where you have demonstrated leadership, customer service or communication skills. This is because recruitment interviewers generally ask questions that require recollecting past experiences and describing your responses and outcomes.

As well as the interview tips given, remember too that employers are not just looking for positive experiences! They also need to know if things did not always go as planned – which is bound to happen from time to time.

By keeping these interview tips in mind, you will not only put yourself ‘one step ahead’ of the opposition – but also in the best position to land your ‘dream job’.