When recruiting, it is important to remember that the definition of talent is not always clear-cut.

Of course, some skills, such as EI (Emotional Intelligence) and others, are valuable for any organisation. However, real talent is always relative to the organisation itself – along with its current and future needs, and specific job criteria and situation. Therefore, it follows that an employee who may be considered a talent in organisation ‘A’, might not always be regarded as valuable in organisation ‘B’; and vice versa. The culture of an organisation is also an important consideration in the talent selection process. Therefore, it pays to always keep in mind the match between company culture and values and employee culture and values.

For the recruitment process to be carried out correctly it is also important to distinguish between the skills and capabilities necessary based on the job description, and those that are merely habitual.

The use of diversity in recruitment can help an organisation achieve its business goals – and this can be achieved via various interview options in almost any industry. To understand diversity, hiring and employment managers need to be aware of the assumptions and biases they bring to the table when meeting with a candidate.

In order to take a really fresh look at each applicant they need to do everything possible to minimise those assumptions – in a way that goes well beyond the standard resume.

One method may be to add an extra step to the interview process by bringing in a different manager to evaluate the candidate right at the end. This will help give a different and alternative perspective to the hiring and recruitment process. And by expanding the connection between talent management and diversity, an organisation can help smooth the entry of new and diverse employees – thereby increasing the vitality of the organisation and its chances of success.

However, when attempting to attract more diverse candidates, some organisations may have problems simply getting past first base. A recent US Glassdoor talent management survey found that 61 per cent of job applicants reported reading company reviews and ratings before making a decision to apply. Candidates were also setting their sights beyond benefits packages and pay – with 76 per cent of job seekers researching exactly what it was that made a company an attractive place to work.

Another 69 per cent of applicants admitted passing up an offer from a company with a bad reputation – even while they were unemployed.

Thus employer branding and reputation is something many HR teams and employment agencies are now looking at more closely – with social media fast becoming the medium of choice to share company culture. This applies to many industries, including oil and gas, mining, and engineering – where it is clear that HR strategies need to reflect the future landscape of the industry.

Another increasingly important factor affecting both HR departments and job applicants in the mining industry in particular, is the onset of automation. Over the next few years, the adoption of machines is expected to redefine the need for human intervention in both the mining and construction industries – and this is something many new applicants are still coming to terms with.

Lastly, it is important for HR companies and recruitment agencies to never underestimate the significance of background and pre-employment screening when assessing their candidates. An efficient and effective employee screening process helps to reduce the risks associated with worker engagement – as well as supporting the efforts of your business to attract and retain talent. The screening process may involve checks on everything from the applicant’s academic qualifications; to Police and court checks; working rights and residency validity; credit and financial checks, and verifying employment history. Obviously, these are recommended as a matter of course by reputable HR and employment companies when assessing their final applicants.