
1. Read through the 4 x induction documents in Section 1.
2. Complete the 3 x assessment forms in Section 2 and the 1 x feedback form in Section 3 then return ALL FOUR FORMS to your RecruitWest Consultant.
3. Download the additional Further Reading resources for your own records.

Section 1: Induction Documents

Big Yellow Induction (Video)

Company Induction (PDF)

Participant Manual (Word Document)

Isolation Induction (PowerPoint Presentation)

Open Pit Induction (Word Document)

Section 2: Assessment Forms

Company Assessment (Word Document)

Isolation Assessment (Word Document)

Open Pit Assessment (Word Document)

Section 3: Feedback Form

Feedback (Word Document)

Further Reading

Policies and Standard Operating Procedures (ZIP)

Isolation Practical - Fixed Plant (Word Document)

Isolation Practical - Mobile Equipment (Word Document)

Isolation Pracitcal - Workshop (Word Document)